Plastic bearing POM 674 Glass Ball 4X7X2.5 mm

NZ $3.50 +GST each

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SKU: 42040703360

Plastic bearings are commonly used in application where it requires exposure to water, chemical, or electrical (insulated) environment. This type of bearing does not require any oil lubrication as it self-lubricates. This type of bearing is also low noise and has longer life span.

This 4 x 7 x 2.5 mm (POM 674) bearing is a plastic bearing with Glass ball . The POM 674 inner diameter is 4 mm, the POM 674 outer diameter is 7 mm, the POM 674 width is 2.5 mm.

Here are some characteristics of PP and POM plastic bearing that might give you an idea of which one is more suitable for your application.

Polyoxymethylene (POM)
- higher strength, greater hardness
- higher thermal stability
- wear resistance
- suitable to be in contact with food type applications
- resistant to weak acid and weak oxidant
- anti-rust

Polypropylene (PP)
- good corrosion resistance
- high mechanical strength
- high wear resistance
- strong anti-adhesion ability
- great electrical insulation
- good resistance to high radiation
- anti-rust

Example applications:
Mechanical, electrical, hospital equipment, food machinery, furniture and building materials


Bearing Model: POM 674
Also Known As: POM 674 with glass balls, 674-2RS Acetal bearing
Inner Diameter (d): 4 mm
Outer Diameter (D): 7 mm
Width (B): 2.5 mm
Inner Diameter (d): 0.1575 inch
Outer Diameter (D): 0.2756 inch
Width (B): 0.0984 inch
Material: Acetal Plastic (POM)
Ball Material: Glass
Cage Material: Nylon 66 - PA66
Closures: Sealed Both Sides

PlasticbearingPOM674GlassBall4X7X2.5mm, POM674, POM674withglassballs,6742RSAcetalbearing, POM 674 with glass balls, 674-RS Acetal bearing

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